Sunday, March 29, 2009

In the beginning...

Well, this sure is a blog. I've been dying to get some writing done in my spare time. I'll see just how long I can maintain this little space. I intend to post movie reviews, as original as it sounds. However, instead of getting a generic review from the standpoint of someone whose demographic the film never intended to target -- sorry, Roger and Ebert -- you'll get a rambling, opinionated review from yours truly, Alana, a nineteen-year-old girl/woman. Call me whatever you feel like calling me, but I am the demographic.

And it gets better: I don't just watch chick flicks and college-style humour. Oh, no. I watch horror movies, "guy movies", science fiction movies, fantasy movies, based-on-reality movies, blood and guts movies, war movies, bad movies, good movies, and pretty much everything except for westerns. Yeah, I know. I'm being judgemental. But I really can't get into the cowboy mindset unless it also features time travel and/or giant, carnivorous worms. Kudos if you know which films I'm talking about.

My only other weakness as a film critic rears its ugly head when I'm asked to talk about anything made before 1989: I didn't exist. It's taken me a while to work my way back to older movies while still attempting to keep tabs on new releases. Any and all readers will get to read a review of Gone With the Wind from someone who has genuinely never watched it. Honestly, I don't even know what it's about.

With any luck, I'll be posting my very first review later today, after I've, you know, slept. I'll be covering M. Night Shymalan's The Happening. Why? Because I feel like it. And because it's the last movie I watched.


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