Thursday, August 6, 2009

Funny People

Judd Apatow's Funny People (comedy, drama)

Otherwise known as a 'dramedy', Judd Apatow's newest film missed the mark for me. In the famous words of Joey Tribbiani, "You're so far past the [mark] that you can't even see the [mark]! The [mark] is a dot to you!" Okay, so maybe not quite the same words, but you get the idea. Just picture his delivery, except closer to unimpressed than furiously angry.

I think I would have given Funny People a higher score if Apatow had just stuck to one idea. But nOoo. He sashayed in to the genre of drama with all of the poise and grace of Fred Astaire if Fred Astaire had been born without feet. I'm sure that I'm making mountains of molehills, but it really does irk me when someone steps out of their comfort zone only to end up with mediocrity at best. In this case, Judd Apatow was pretty on the ball in the comedy area. He has a distinct style of writing that some people find piss-yourself hilarious. I understand the desire to explore, but at least do it right, man.

Jim Carrey decided to put on his serious face, and he whipped out Eternal Sunshine. Robin Williams did Good Will Hunting. Hell, even Steve Carrell and Will Farrell played fairly serious characters (in Little Miss Sunshine and Stranger than Fiction, respectively). Poor Judd. He put himself out there, and all that came of it was incredibly forgettable, with the exception of Seth Rogan's weight loss. Looking really good, dude. Props. Unfortunately, if the major thing I remembered about a movie is that a lead actor was looking healthy, maybe the plot could have used a little work, amirite?

I have to say, I had high hopes for this one. Seth Rogan, Adam Sandler, and that chubby guy from Superbad who was pretty funny. I'll admit, I don't exactly expect much from Sandler anymore. He could be my father and he's still making dick jokes. At least Seth Rogan and Chubby Guy are young-ish, so it doesn't sound quite so awkwardly paternal. Listening to Adam Sandler talk about someone else's penis was actually kind of funny, for whatever reason. But listening to him talk about his own, even in a self-depricating small-penis way, made me feel like I was eavesdropping on the wrong conversation at the doctor's office. Blech.

Seth Rogan. I'll admit that I really didn't want to find him amusing, since he does that thing where a group of (always male wtf) comedy actors all do the same movies. He's a decent actor, though, so I'm willing to forgive the fact that he's got a dick clique.

Who's that chubby guy? Jonah Hill? Dude, you have GOT to start making movies without actors in wang gangs. I had no idea what your name was, and I'm me. I'll sit through the entire credits list to see if I was right about recognizing an extra, but I didn't know your name.

Jason Schwartzman, I don't like you. I'm sorry. I don't know why.


Locke said...

Nice blog you should watch 10 inch hero. Its a good B-grade movie. and on the subject of people doing movies completely different from their numerous other movies. Jackie Chans new movie Shinjuku Incident.

Alana said...

Thank you! I'll definitely look into 10 Inch Hero, and the Jackie Chan movie. I'm not sure the latter will be easy to find, but I'm sure it will pop up sooner or later. Thanks for the comment, and for taking the time to read. It means a lot. :)

Katy R L said...

I think you're right about the actor being Jonah Hill. I`m glad that I read this - I hadn`t exactly been excited to watch this movie, but had been maybe considering it. My sister and her [male] friend saw it about a week ago, and weren't big fans either. The whole dick-compliment thing is just...I mean, Sandler's gotta be nearing 3 times my age, and even -I- am starting to grow out of potty jokes. Well that's that - I'm definitely not going to watch it =P